Industrial Partners

Ludwigshafen, Germany

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Düsseldorf, Germany

Jowat SE
Detmold, DE
University of Wuppertal Partners

Prof. Dr Hilke Bahmann (Theoretical Chemistry)
Prof. Dr Claudia Bohrmann-Linde (Didactics of Chemistry)
Prof. Dr Bilal Gökce (Materials Science and Additive Manufacturing)
Prof. Dr Patrick Görrn (Large Area Optoelectronics)
Prof. Dr Stefan F. Kirsch (Organic Chemistry)
Prof. Dr Daniel Neumaier (Smart Sensor Systems)
Prof. Dr Ullrich Pfeiffer (High-Frequency and Communication Technology)
Prof. Dr Nils H. Schebb (Food Chemistry)
External Academic Partners (past and present)

Prof. Dr Jan C. Balzer
Communication Systems
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany

Prof. Christopher Barner-Kowollik
Macromolecules Architectures
Queensland University of Technology and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Prof. Dr Matthias Barz
Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR)
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

Prof. Martin Bastmeyer
Zoological Institute, Cell- and Neurobiology
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

Dr Ana Beloqui
PolyZymes Lab
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Chemistry (UVP/EHU)
POLYMAT Fundazioa, San Sebastián, Spain
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